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  • Software Development Initiative
    • We have evolved a software solution development approach called Business Solution Frameworks. In this, we develop solutions by planning and designing Solution Frameworks for entire business processes of our client.
    • Solution Frameworks are software components, which simulates all possible Business Entities that are 'part of' and 'interact within' the Business Processes and all possible transactions, interactions, work flows, events and activities which make up a Business Processes.
    • Primarily, Solution Frameworks are software application programming interface components, with functional simulations of business processes, but without any logical or data management programming. This keeps them detached from the underlying technological platform.
    • Solution Frameworks build the structural, hierarchical, relational and compositional model of the business processes and it's ingredients into a logical sub-system.
    • Advantage of this kind of frameworks approach is that it lays done a modular protocols for the various software components, like 'data-services', 'business process services' and 'user interfaces', to interact with each other and loosely binding them to each other and the underlying technology platforms.
    • Further, these framework components are versioned and hence can be modified and upgraded without distributing the other pre-existing software solutions and facilitate incorporation of new developments and implementations, with ease.
    • This approach helps us develop software solutions, which can grow in 'organic and evolutionary patterns' and easily adapt and evolve, whenever the underlying Business Processes and Business Environment changes, rather than engineered software machines, which need to be re-engineered, re-designed and re-developed, again and again.
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